Emmemoboli Fractal
Emmemoboli Fractal, ambient detail
Emmemoboli Fractal, interior
Emmemoboli Fractal, door detail
Emmemoboli Fractal, ambient 2


Fractal Cabinet

Design: Elena Pancaldi
A cabinet inspired by fractal geometry: a geometric object that repeats itself in its shape and at different scales, expanding or reducing itself, even though obtaining a shape similar to the original one. The term “fractal” comes from the Latin fractus, i.e. fragmented.

Cabinet in the wood finishes of the collection, highlighted with satin or burnished Brass, available in 3 sizes, each with 4 doors.

Emmemoboli Italy 
> emmemobili catalogue pdf file: 13.7 mb
> emmemoboli fractal: 1.13 mb

Fractal 200
fractal 200
200 cm w x 52 cm d x 80 cm h
78.74" w x 20.47" d x 31.5" h

Fractal 250
fractal 250
250 cm w x 52 cm d x 80 cm h
98.43" w x 20.47" d x 31.5" h

Fractal 300
fractal 300
300 cm w x 52 cm d x 80 cm h
118.11" w x 20.47" d x 31.5" h